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Insert buses from a raw file

asked Sep 21 '18

rafaels100 gravatar image

Hello ! We are trying to add a raw file (which have some buses) to a case that already has data, without having to create every new bus by hand.

We used the activity RDCH to try to achieve this, but it didnt attached the new buses. We believe that is so because this activity only attachs branches and loads to the buses that are already in the system, and have the same ID.

Is there an activity or a python function to append the buses ?

Thanks !

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answered Sep 21 '18

perolofl gravatar image

It seems like you have misunderstood how RDCH works. A RDCH-file don't have the first three lines of a raw data file, i.e. the first record in a RDCH file shall be the first bus record. You shall not read a raw data file including case identification data with activity RDCH.

An alternative is to read a raw data file with IC=1, which will add the data of the file to the working files. Make sure that the first line in the file starts with 1 and read the raw data file with READ (not with RDCH).


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Asked: Sep 21 '18

Seen: 1,279 times

Last updated: Sep 21 '18