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wind turbine raw and dyr files [closed]

asked Aug 14 '17

Gary22212 gravatar image

Hello folks, I am going to install WTG3 to my model, but every time when I run the dynamic simulation, the initial conditions are suspected, I try to find the problem for one day,e.g, changed some parameters of raw and dyr files but nothing worked, does someone could give me an example of raw and dyr files with wind turbines, so I can check where I was wrong?

Thanks in advance, regards, Gary Chen

Closed for the following reason not a real question by Gary22212
close date 2018-07-12 12:00:04.315123

1 answer

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answered Aug 21 '17

oppossumX gravatar image

Different turbines (manufacturers, rating, etc.) will use different parameters for the wt3 generic models, there is no single set of "correct" parameters. There are a number of manufacturers that have developed psse models of their wind turbines and user manuals for them that can be downloaded from the Siemens PTI website.

What are the suspect initial conditions you are getting? Often these can help diagnose where the problem is.



Thank you for replying me, the question is solved after I use the reference dynamic parameters from 《Program Application Guide II》, thank you as well!

Gary22212 gravatar imageGary22212 (Aug 22 '17)

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Asked: Aug 14 '17

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Last updated: Aug 21 '17