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How can I get only certain channels from .out file to excel? e.g only angles

asked May 23 '17

mitrax1p gravatar image

I have a .out file which has all the monitored channels. How can I just get the angles out in an xls file

2 answers

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answered Jun 9 '17

jconto gravatar image

updated Aug 9 '17

I have written a python code that uses dyntools to export any type of channels the user select to an excel file.

You can download the code with a PSSe v.33 demo set from [copy the link into your browser]:

“” Once you select “”, an icon on the top-center screen will perform the download.

Once downloaded & unzipped, open a DOS window on this channels' folder and run the following [it will export volt channels]: c:..>channels chan_V_exp

Follow the instruction in the file to run the other demos included.


answered May 25 '17

perolofl gravatar image

It is possible to export your own selection of channels from an out-file: Select your channels in "Plot Tree View", right-click and select "Export to Excel". The excel file always get the same name as the out-file.



HI, thanks for the response. I automated the plotting process using dyntools in python. So I can plot the required stuff directly through python

mitrax1p gravatar imagemitrax1p (May 25 '17)

FYI using dyntools, the "xlsout" function can also be used to generate an excel file from a .out file.

oppossumX gravatar imageoppossumX (May 29 '17)

@oppossumX was quit right

Linzhi gravatar imageLinzhi (Jul 7 '17)

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Asked: May 23 '17

Seen: 431 times

Last updated: Aug 09 '17