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I have written a python code that uses dyntools to export any type of channels the user select to an excel file.

You can download the code with a PSSe v.33 demo set from [copy the link into your browser]:

“” Once you select “”, an icon on the top-center screen will perform the download.

Once downloaded & unzipped, open a DOS window on this channels' folder and run the following [it will export volt channels]: c:..>channels chanVexp

Follow the instruction in the file to run the other demos included.

I have written a python code that uses dyntools to export any type of channels the user select to an excel file.

You can download the code with a PSSe v.33 demo set from [copy the link into your browser]:

“” Once you select “”, an icon on the top-center screen will perform the download.

Once downloaded & unzipped, open a DOS window on this channels' folder and run the following [it will export volt channels]: c:..>channels chanVexpchan_V_exp

Follow the instruction in the file to run the other demos included.