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Initial condition suspect for GAST2A

asked Feb 26 '17

none gravatar image

Does anyone has any idea how to resolve the initial condition suspect for GAST2A gas turbine governor model? Issue is with the state (K+5) temperature control. The temperature initialised at maximum Tc. Thanks

2 answers

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answered Jun 14 '18

jconto gravatar image

When the message during initialization for a GAST2A models says:

Model GAST2A Bus 1000 [abc 18.000] Machine "1" :

its state (K+5) appears in the INITIAL CONDITIONS SUSPECT table as:

 14720   0.44871     -0.49574      GAST2A             K+5    1000 abc      18.000  1

This is not considered a model error, so no need to resolve it.



+1. It is only due to the implementation of the temperature control. If you look carefully, if the exhaust temperature is lower than the limit Tc, then the integrator continuously integrates and hits the wind up limit. So there should actually be a Dstate <> 0 if no temperature limit is hit

Pasnos gravatar imagePasnos (Jun 23 '18)

with this suspect condition the simulation fail, other models trip during the simulation. do you have any idea to remove this suspect condition?

eduardo gravatar imageeduardo (Nov 13 '19)

As jfconroy stated, more information from your side is needed. Can you post the "INITIAL CONDITIONS SUSPECT" table. It could be that there are other reasons why other units trip. A quick test is to replace such GAST2A model with say, IEESGO and run it again.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Nov 14 '19)

I use a WSIEG1 model to this generator but we change the model for GAST2A, When we use de WSIEG1 in this case, we don't have a suspect conditions and the simulation don't present other machine trip. Our final objetive is model this plant with a URCSCT model because this is a single shaft combined cy

eduardo gravatar imageeduardo (Nov 14 '19)

I am getting the same Initial Conditions Suspsect error message. Is there a way to remove this error by changing any parameter?

Jack gravatar imageJack (Jun 3 '0)

answered Jun 12 '18

jfconroy gravatar image

It is difficult to answer this question without seeing your input data, and replicating your issue from there. If you can send your RAW and DYR files then perhaps I or some of the other forum readers can assist you.


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Asked: Feb 26 '17

Seen: 1,611 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '18