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How can I model the turbine-governor model?

asked 2017-01-23 20:02:36 -0600

anonymous user


I have checked the library model manual in psse.

but There are not the dead band in IEEEG1, GAST, HYGOV model etc.

I want to consider the governor dead band and then check thier governor response.

How can i make the governor dead band to existing governor model?

Please let me know the method.

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answered 2017-01-23 21:14:50 -0600

jconto gravatar image

updated 2017-02-02 20:25:48 -0600

GGOV1 has deadband. [PTI is working on adding deadband to other popular governor models]

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answered 2017-01-31 18:15:56 -0600

oppossumX gravatar image

WSIEG1 also has deadband I believe. I think it is a similar model to IEEEG1.

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Asked: 2017-01-23 20:02:36 -0600

Seen: 774 times

Last updated: Feb 02 '17