Export line data
How would you export line data with admittances, line connections, angle at all the buses after running a power flow, B inverse matrix by using PSSE?
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How would you export line data with admittances, line connections, angle at all the buses after running a power flow, B inverse matrix by using PSSE?
Admittance matrix:
and then use the csv module to read the file you create.
You can also read the line connections from that file after removing self-admittance entries.
For bus angles, you can use
ierr, rarray = abusreal(0, 2, "ANGLED")
See the API documentation for more options for abusreal if you want to specify a subsystem or limit the results to only in-service buses.
Asked: 2016-12-06 13:16:31 -0500
Seen: 1,822 times
Last updated: Dec 08 '16
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