Solving this without a dummy bus is a little tricky, even PSS/E uses a dummy bus to calculate open end line faults in short circuit module!
If you still want to do it without a dummy bus you might do something like this:
- Apply the SLG with an equivalent
positive sequence shunt at side B of
the line.
- Run for 6 cycles. Clear the fault and
disconnect the line.
- Apply an equivalent positive
sequence shunt at side A of the line.
(corresponding to the effect of the
real fault at side B of the line, with line breaker at B open)
- Run for 3 cycles.
Clear the fault.
The tricky thing is to calculate the fault shunt in step 3 above.
Perform the simulation in the following way by using a dummy bus:
Do the following.
1: Do LTAP and place the dummy bus at From bus line end.
2: Start simulation, run to x seconds and add LG fault at Dummy bus.
3: Simulate for 6 cycles.
4: Clear fault.
5: Trip line from Dummy to From bus.
6: Apply LG fault at Dummy bus (new calculation of equivalent shunt with line open-end will be done)
6: Run for 3 cycles.
7: Disconnect Dummy bus.
8: Run to x seconds.