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User defined models

asked Nov 8 '16

rsko gravatar image

Hi everyone,

I'm attempting to create a user defined model and the associated .dll file. Unfortunately whenever I attempt to compile my FORTRAN files no .dll is produced. I was curious if anyone had any basic files used to produce a .dll that they'd be willing to share?



I have also tried to create a .dll file from the provided .obj files in the IPLUSR folder (v33) and was unable to create one.

rsko gravatar imagersko (Nov 8 '16)

2 answers

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answered Nov 13 '16

jconto gravatar image

updated Mar 31 '19

The demo exciter model, uexc, in PSSe manual [POM manual, "Model Writing" chapter], using savnw.sav, is posted at my google drive site ""

The 'uexc_tutorial' text provides the steps to follows to produce a UDM dll for a dynamic run.



Hi, I would like to know where can I find the block diagram of this example. Thanks!!

sugui_ gravatar imagesugui_ (Jun 2 '0)

As noted above. In PSSe v.33 Model Writing is POM chap 23. Check Fig. 23-1

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Jun 2 '0)

I thought it is difference because I don't see 9 CONs in Fig. 23-1. I will check again. Thank you. BTW, the POM I have are v33.4 and v34.2.

sugui_ gravatar imagesugui_ (Jun 3 '0)

answered Nov 10 '16

oppossumX gravatar image

Hi guys. I just tried generating a DLL from the files provided in the IPLUSR folder for PSSE v33 and was successful. These files should work.

Some log should be generated by the PSSE compile/link environment manager when you create a DLL. If you can post the log file you are getting this can help us diagnose the issue you are having.


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Asked: Nov 8 '16

Seen: 3,696 times

Last updated: Mar 31 '19