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Compiling user models w/psse 33

asked Jun 21 '16

engmoe gravatar image

updated Jun 22 '16

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and would like to contribute as well as I gain more experience. I have some questions regarding dynamics modeling. I have installed MyCompile33x86.bat & MyCload433x86.bat. The questions I have are the followings: 1. Do the compilation process create the conec.flx & conet.flx codes? 2. Do the SRC and OBJ libraries need to be there prior to the compilation which subsequently create .dll files?

Thanks a lot.

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answered Jun 23 '16

engmoe gravatar image

Well, answering my own questions after doing some research. First of you need to upgrade (if you are moving from 32) to Intel Visual Fortran 12.0 with Visual Studio 2010 (C/C++ compiler and linker version 10.0). Without this I was getting missing env. manager error when I was compiling with what I call MyCompile_33 after running MyCload4. Inside the MyCload4 (with batch command/it is a .bat file) is where you set the path and LIB for the X86 LIB , PSSBIN, and Intel compiler version, Visual studio version, VC, platformSDK. Use call command and put all your user models .obj or .lib files in there. So, when you run it you get a DUSR.DLL which subsequently can be utilized for simulation along with your snapshot (.sav and dyr) or however way you saved your case. MyComile creates 2 files CONECT.OBJ and CONET.OBJ. I am a noob in dynamics but I will continue to learn and grow because I really like it. Thanks.


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Asked: Jun 21 '16

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Last updated: Jun 23 '16