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Activity RUN is invalid--activity STRT needs to be executed

asked 2016-01-06 19:26:06 -0600

IanMelbourne93 gravatar image

updated 2016-01-11 23:46:49 -0600

Hey, I am relatively new to Python and PSSE and I was hoping that I could get some help in understanding my errors.

I am trying to implement an automated script that runs through dynamic cases, I have converted the majority of it over from an IDV file of a known working case and my script works for that case. My problem is that when I try to generalize my script for use with other case files, I seem to be getting errors. I know that these other case files should work and they are from a list of past work and I believe that I have included all necessary models, but I am consistently getting the following error when I try to initalise:

File ".\", line 27837, in run
psspy.RunError: run Error: ierr=1

Messages for api RUN
Activity RUN is invalid--activity STRT needs to be executed

above this, the console is printing out the following when strt() is called, all in red indicating error:

 ** GWPM28 ** at bus 1 machine 1 

  Uses CONs 1-77   ICONs 1-5   STATEs 1-18   VARs 1-46

  ** GWCT28 ** at bus 1 machine 1 

  Uses CONs 278-297   ICONs 6-6   STATEs 105-107   VARs 47-51

  ** GWME28 ** at bus 1 machine 1 

  Uses CONs 388-398   ICONs 7-7   STATEs 138-139   VARs 52-55

I am also running psspy.okstrt() and that returns a 0 indicating that there is no issue with my strt() function.

my general code works for the first case and is relatively basic so I wont leave it here, I can post if requested though.

Any help will be appreciated,
Thank you,
- Ian

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2 answers

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answered 2022-07-21 23:54:45 -0600

updated 2022-07-22 00:08:00 -0600

Use STRT to initialize a PSSE dynamic simulation for state-space simulations before RUN

psspy.strt(1,Channel Output File)

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answered 2016-01-10 18:12:15 -0600

IanMelbourne93 gravatar image

updated 2016-01-11 00:03:47 -0600

I have found the problem and solution if anyone else comes across this issue.

By moving my python projects to a new folder the error disappeared, I found that it was occurring due to an extra DSUSR.DLL file that belonged to a different case file. When you load up a case file, PSS/E attempts to include all user created dll files with this and similar names and includes them automatically in the project. In some cases, the user models have the ability to stop and prevent the process running.

Since I was testing my scripts against different known data sets, I had several case files and their models in the one directory. The script was working on the case that the dll file belonged to but no other cases, even extremely simple 3 bus cases with no user models. By changing my script to a new directory or deleting the unused dll files, the error disappeared. I could also recreate the error by introducing that dll file back in the directory.

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I come across this problem as well, thank you for your kindness, and your solution is helpful!

Gary22212 gravatar imageGary22212 ( 2019-04-25 05:19:46 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2016-01-06 19:26:06 -0600

Seen: 7,888 times

Last updated: Jul 22 '22