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create dynamic data for a PSSE network file

asked 2015-12-21 14:47:34 -0600

Arvin gravatar image


I have a psse .raw file for ieee118 bus test case with a converged power flow solution and i am going to create dynamic data (.dyr) file considering just GENROU type synchronous machines.

to begin, i looked at PSS/E documentation and there i found valid range for parameter values of GENROU. based on this, i generated a dynamic data file but it seems that it is not enough since i have come to a case which all my parameter are in the range of PSS/E while the dynamic simulation is not stable!

Are there other considerations and assumptions that i need to make in order to have meaningful and stable dynamic simulations?

Thanks, Arvin

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answered 2016-09-27 10:35:57 -0600

jconto gravatar image

Dynamic simulations in power system require good modeling of all the dynamic devices in the network. In particular, a generator unit needs a generator model (GENTPJ is preferred), an exciter model to control reactive output, a governor model to control active power output, a power system stabilizer (PSS) to help damp oscillatory behavior, excitation limiters to limit reactive output, and protection relays (V, F). Other dynamic devices like STATCOM, SVC, might be requires to provide voltage control dynamically. Load dynamic models (composite load models representing motors, AC load, other) will affect the local response (FIDVR events).

Models parameters are set accordingly to the MW size of the units, the generation technology, etc. In PSSe, activities like Erun and Grun will give you an idea how exciters and governor respond to a step test. PSS required a tuning over the 0.2 to 2.0 Hz range.

Once you have sufficient models, a no-disturbance test will help to id those models or network conditions that need adjustment. After you get a good response (= flat lines plots of monitored variables) to the no-disturbance test, you can proceed to apply fault tests.

Search the post "can u send dynamic data for IEEE-24 bus and IEEE-30 bus system" for additional test systems.

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answered 2016-09-26 16:20:29 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

Are you simulating steady state or a disturbance? Depending on the disturbance you will also need exciter models and governor models.

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Asked: 2015-12-21 14:47:34 -0600

Seen: 10,955 times

Last updated: Sep 27 '16