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Please, help me solve this problem to enable me do my load flow studies

asked 2015-12-06 13:18:56 -0600

anonymous user


Re; PSS/E Installation Error Message During Software Installation

Please can the error message i saw and hereby reproduce hereunder affect my Load Flow Studies? If yes, what do i do to correct it? Thanks Bart

"Setting up the environment for PSS(R)E operation and for creating PSS(R)E dynamics user models: For normal PSSE use Fortran Compiler and Visual Studio are not required. Not having these programs installed, will not affect PSSE usage. However, Fortran Compiler and Visual Studio are required for compiling and linking PSSE Dynamics User Models. If these programs are not installed and you plan to compile and link User Models refer to PSSE Support Web Page at: and follow link to "Compiler Information" for additional details. You must have at least Visual Studio installed in order to link User Models. PSSE versions installed: 33 Error: Compiling and linking to create User DLL/LIB will fail for PSSE versions: 33 Miscrosoft Visual Studio 2010 is installed, but encountered following error. VS2010 default installation folder does not exist. Searched for C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 installation folder: default Miscrosoft Visual Studio 2008 is installed, but encountered following error. VS2008 default installation folder does not exist. Searched for C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 installation folder: default Miscrosoft Visual Studio 2005 is installed, but encountered following error. Following files for VS2005 are not found under default installation folder. Default installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8 link.exe
rc.exe rcdll.dll mt.exe mspdb80.dll msdis150.dll VC\lib kernel32.lib Fortran IVF 9.1 (or later) compiler is either not installed or Env Manager could not find it. PSSE 33: Latest installed IVF version not found. IVF version value = None. Runtime DLLs not copied."

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answered 2015-12-06 14:11:45 -0600

jconto gravatar image

PSSe can be used for steady state studies or dynamic simulation studies. Usually load flow studies are meant to be steady state studies.

The error messages displayed above will affect dynamic simulation studies only. If you want to run dynamic simulations, I suggest to re-install PSSe and let default Visual Studio dlls be installed. A Fortran compiler is needed only to compiled user-defined models in OBJ format or source format (or code in the conec,conet files).

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Asked: 2015-12-06 13:18:56 -0600

Seen: 2,583 times

Last updated: Dec 06 '15