Retrieving Dynamic Generator Outputs
Does anyone know of a way to retrieve the generator power (real and reactive) outputs during dynamics in PSSE 32?
I have tried the macdat and macdt2 API's, and it seems like these are only for power flow values as they always produce the same results no matter the dynamic event.
I also know of the chval API method where I make gen power a channel value. Unfortunately, this is not really an option for me as I am trying to make a generic function for every machine in my model and this would require me adding thousands of channel values extra as this is a relatively large model.
I can't seem to find anything else in the API manual for this.
Carter, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately chsb adds the real/reactive powers to the output channel file. I would like to avoid doing this for reasons stated above.
Hi, did you solve this problem? How to return the data into a variable and don't output the data into a channel file?