branch loading
How to find the loading(MW) of a single branch (ex: from bus 12 to bus 13) in the system? Is there any python API that I could use? Thanks in advance.
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How to find the loading(MW) of a single branch (ex: from bus 12 to bus 13) in the system? Is there any python API that I could use? Thanks in advance.
The brnflo method will return MW and MVAR for a branch with sign according to first bus to second bus. The branch ID must always be in single quotes.
ierr, branchflow = psspy.brnflo(12,13,'1')
To see the result, use print branchflow
. To see just the MW, use print branchflow.real
. To see just the MVAR, use print branchflow.imag
Asked: Apr 26 '15
Seen: 1,912 times
Last updated: Apr 28 '15
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