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How to get MVA at "to" end of branch through API

asked 2015-01-15 10:26:28 -0600

JDRobers gravatar image

Hello forum,

For starters, I am using PSSE version 33.4.

I am trying to create a program that calculates and reports adjusted MVA values for branches. However, I need to report the maximum adjusted MVA for each branch, as in:

max(MVAfrom/frombusperunitvoltage, MVAto/tobusperunitvoltage)

The problem is that the API documentation for abrnreal suggests that I can only get either the MVA at the from bus, or the MAXMVA, meaning either the MVA at the from bus or the to bus, whichever is greater. But if the maximum MVA happens to be at the from bus, then I can't possibly read the MVA at the to bus end.

Is there another way to just get the MVA at the to bus end?

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answered 2015-02-13 07:47:15 -0600

JDRobers gravatar image

Thanks guys.

What I wound up doing was using the abrnreal API call, and used the entry = 2 parameter to have each branch listed twice; once going from-to and the other going to-from. It takes some filtering and quite a bit of data storage, but I can indeed query P, Q, and MVA at both ends. I just have to see if the entry has been found already first (in which case I am looking at the to-from entry rather than the from-to entry.)

I appreciate the responses!

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answered 2015-01-26 02:21:56 -0600

rimux gravatar image

from API manual:

ierr, rval = brnmsc(ibus,jbus,ickt,string)
’P’ Branch MW flow at the IBUS end of the branch.
’Q’ Branch Mvar flow at the IBUS end of the branch.

You can get P and Q at the desired branch end just by placing correct bus number into ibus place. Formula for MVA:

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answered 2015-01-21 17:02:10 -0600

jconto gravatar image

updated 2015-01-21 17:04:51 -0600

You can use "aflowreal" to get the flows between two buses in the defined SID. Flows are calculated on both directions. The attached file outputs the flows in a branch (both direction). With a little code added, you can select the MAXMVA flow between them. To run the code, load a case in to PSSe,set the SID parameters (by the end of the code) and run it.

download C:\fakepath\branchflows.gif

by right-click and select 'save link as', and changing the xx.gif to

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Asked: 2015-01-15 10:26:28 -0600

Seen: 2,982 times

Last updated: Feb 13 '15