Increasing / decreasing load
I need to increase/decrease load during my dynamic simulation. I don't find increase/decrease load option in disturbance tap Anyone can help how can i do it ?
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I need to increase/decrease load during my dynamic simulation. I don't find increase/decrease load option in disturbance tap Anyone can help how can i do it ?
You can change load in the static data, adding a load in a bus.
In pyhton, the script is:
psspy.load_data_3(50061,r"""1""",[_i,_i,_i,_i,_i],[ 1.4, 1.05,_f,_f,_f,_f])
50061 is the bus where I aplied the load, P = 1.4 MW and Q = 1.05 MVAr
Thank you
Asked: Nov 26 '14
Seen: 1,513 times
Last updated: Nov 27 '14
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Just change your load in load tab of network data sheet. In case you need a command to do this task, here it is: load_chng_4(i, id, intgar, realar) You should check API of this command in API.pdf.
Thanks a lot.