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How to get value of active power flow on a branch?

asked 2014-10-15 03:54:57 -0600

christanbull86 gravatar image

Dear friend,

I would like to display or get the value of active power flowing on a branch when solving the file SAV (for example using Fixed slope decoupled Newton-Raphson method).

I highly appreciate your help.

Thank you so much.

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2 answers

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answered 2014-10-15 07:44:49 -0600

Cao Huy gravatar image

To check the power flow on a branch after solve a sav case, you can click on GOUT/GEXM (Ctrl+shift+G) on toolbar then type from bus(to bus) of the branch and see active and reactive power of the branch.

You also can use the python script brnflow_csv that's already available on C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\EXAMPLE to get the power flow on all of the branches. Result files is a .csv file, which can be opened by MS excel. And when you get used to with it, you can modified the script to get suitable output.

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how can I get active power flow of every branch in 4 decimal places in the 'csv' output file? Now I get only 2 decimal places. Thank You

hasa_kh gravatar imagehasa_kh ( 2016-09-12 06:12:57 -0600 )edit

answered 2014-10-16 14:10:44 -0600

christanbull86 gravatar image

Thank you so much for your help. I got the value of power flow on branches with GOUT/GEXM. This method is suitable to file SAV having several buses. However, python script from brnflowscsv is useful in case the file SAV have a lot of buses. I also took a look the script from brnflowscsv file. Unfortunately, I am new in Python and it is very complicated for me to understand the scripts from the file brnflows_csv and write in Python. Can you help me the script for Python for this case please? I will highly appreciate your help. Regards,

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To use brnflowscsv after solved a sav, you progress the following routine: 1. Run automation file (ctrl+Shift+A) 2. Pick brnflowscsv and then OK 3. Enter the path and name of output file. For example: ,output.csv then OK. You should remember the "," before output file name.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy ( 2014-10-16 20:37:22 -0600 )edit

I think that brnflowscsv is quite enough if you just want to check power flow on all branches. We will modified it if you want to do something different, such as: just check branch flow of some branches, or just print flow of branches that is overloaded.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy ( 2014-10-16 20:50:13 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-10-15 03:54:57 -0600

Seen: 2,812 times

Last updated: Oct 16 '14