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Multiple SCMU and SEQD fail

asked Aug 27 '14

Largeman gravatar image

I am trying to do consecutive SCMU calls with upstream branches switched out. SCMU/1 does an SEQD each time if sequence network setup option is set to 1. BUT when i try to do sequencenetworksetup(1) i get told that the name is not defined. As this is meant to be part of the PSSE API, how can this not be defined? Am I missing something?

Hope someone can help.

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answered Aug 27 '14

Largeman gravatar image

To answer the comment, yes, I had included the underscores.

After doing a little further reading, I find that when using python with PSSE, the straight up API call won't work, it sometimes needs psspy at the start.



works as intended.

Now my code works. Just in case anyone else is looking, the code is designed to fault a bus, then remove transformers and branches from service one at a time and fault the bus with a branch off to see the change in fault level.

My coding is rarely elegant, but it is generally effective, so if anyone else is looking to do similar, I might be able to help.


answered Aug 27 '14

Eli Pack gravatar image

Are you missing the underscores? Try:


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Asked: Aug 27 '14

Seen: 379 times

Last updated: Aug 27 '14