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PSS/E and Python and Conec File interface [closed]

asked Aug 6 '14

anonymous user



I have some question about interface among PSS/E and Python and Conec File(Fortran).

my question is how to give a variable to Conec File from Python?

For example, I will call the PSS/E and calculate something using Python.

Then I want to give a variable to Conec File(Fortran) from Python for changing the input data of Generator model.

How can I solve this problem?

Closed for the following reason duplicate question by petite cho
close date 2017-01-23 20:07:34.714424

2 answers

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answered Aug 8 '14

EBahr gravatar image

If I recall correctly, there is no data stored in the conec/conet files. I think what you are going to want to do is either modify the .dyr call before you load it in, or use the change_con or change_icon functions to change the value after your dynamics data is loaded.



Yes, that is right. You can change the value of VAR once you know it's exact VAR location after the dynamics data is uploaded.

Nihal Mohan gravatar imageNihal Mohan (Sep 8 '14)

answered Sep 5 '14

Nihal Mohan gravatar image

I had similar query. Please refer to this answer by Siemens PTI for conec/ conet models for PSSE. As mentioned by them, you cannot access and hence change variables in conec/ conet types models , unless you convert them to non-conec/ conet types. This can be done following the procedure laid out by PTI in some white paper they published for conversion. ( Unfortunately I an unable to upload it here)


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Asked: Aug 6 '14

Seen: 1,224 times

Last updated: Sep 04 '14