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Finding the processing time using full N-R and fast decoupled N-R

asked 2014-08-03 12:13:18 -0500

anonymous user


I am trying to find the time a system can take using full Newton-Raphson and fast decoupled Newton-Raphson Method to reach tolerance in PSS®E.Is there a function to find it? or do I have to write the code using python to find the time? If anyone has any idea about it,please answer this question.

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answered 2014-08-03 20:14:54 -0500

JervisW gravatar image

You can use the python timeit module. It will run the same piece of code multiple times (to attempt to compensate for changing conditions on your computer, e.g. caches being warmed up, other processes taking more time).

Why is it important for you to find the relative processing time between the two solution methods?

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Asked: 2014-08-03 12:13:18 -0500

Seen: 268 times

Last updated: Aug 03 '14