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How to test Buses for Over-Voltage in Dynamic Simulation

asked Nov 22 '13

wassup_doc gravatar image

I am hoping that there will be a simple answer to this, but I cannot seem to find anything in the manuals.

I am trying to test each bus in the working dynamic simulation case for over-voltage. I found the following python commands in the API and the corresponding description in the Program application guide (#2):

These are the commands and my understanding of them:

psspy.vltscn(status, vhi, vlo) #enables strict checking of high and low voltage thresholds
psspy.set_voltage_dip_check(args) # allows checking for undervoltage with some time delay to return to within acceptable bounds
psspy.set_voltage_rec_check(args) # allows user to check for recovery from a fault within an accpetable time frame both primary and secondary allowed.

The following picture is from the Program application Guide.

image description

My understanding is:

  1. V1 & t1 and V2&t2 correspond to the set_voltgae_rec_check() function
  2. V3 & t3 correspond to the set_voltage_dip_check() function
  3. V4 and V3 correspond to the vltscn() function -- assuming that Vhi = V4 and Vlow = V3.

My question is how to set up testing for the over voltage that occurs in time duration t4? This does not seem to be the functionality of set_voltage_dip_check() or set_voltgae_rec_check()..... and vltscn() does not have a time argument.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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answered Nov 27 '13

yfwing gravatar image

I don't think that there is an existing PSS/E function to detect the period of over voltage. I am not sure what the practical usage on the period either. Normally, the over voltage protection would be used for generator or other equipment tripping. But there is no general objectives on scanning the whole system for the duration of over voltage. But if you really want to find do this, you can try to write a user defined model to scan all the buses. Another workaroundis to use Under/Over voltage Generator Trip Relay model (VTGTPAT or VTGDCAT). Set the bus you want to detect as monitor bus, and set the generator to be tripped as a fake machine (in an island, not connected to your studied system) with classic model and the inertia as 0.0.



@yfwing -- My goal is to measure buses to see if they remain over a certain over-voltage level. If so I would like to shut that bus down. However, if the bus returns to acceptable ranges within a certain time frame then I would like to avoid shutting it down.

wassup_doc gravatar imagewassup_doc (Nov 27 '13)

Unfortunately I do not have the full PSS/E license, and therefore cannot implement more than 1 relay model. Otherwise I would be using the over voltage gen protection. I was trying to access the bus voltage information to hard code that functionality outside of PSSE in python.

wassup_doc gravatar imagewassup_doc (Nov 27 '13)

@rich how are you doing this? Have you written a script for this kind of dynamic study?

amaity gravatar imageamaity (Nov 28 '13)

@amaity -- Are you referring to orig ques? or implementing relays outside of PSS/E? I have completed relays - Currently I'm working to implement python code that tests overvoltage, I was hoping to use a combo of the 3 fnct's above, but it doesn't look like they are meant for that. Not 100% sure yet

wassup_doc gravatar imagewassup_doc (Nov 28 '13)

@rich, not sure whether you can use SWSHNT models your PSS/E license. If you can, maybe you can try to use this model to monitor the buses that you are interested. However, I believe that the easiest way is to write your own model as the function that you try to implement is not complicated.

yfwing gravatar imageyfwing (Nov 30 '13)

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Asked: Nov 22 '13

Seen: 1,723 times

Last updated: Nov 27 '13