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automatic contingency test in PSS/E

asked 2013-10-31 20:00:11 -0600

Tabby gravatar image

Hi , I have recently started learning PSS/E. Can anyone please tell me how I can do the automatic contingency test in PSS/E?

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answered 2013-11-01 10:17:17 -0600

yfwing gravatar image

I believe you can try to use ACCC function, but you need define subsystem, contingency and monitor files. For the first time, you can build those files using PSS/E GUI (Power Flow ->Linear Network->Create/modify SUB, CON, ...). After you create those files, then you can build DFAX file in the same pop-up dialog. After you have the DFAX file, you can try to run ACCC from PSS/E Gui (Power Flow->Contingency, Reliablity, ...->AC contingency solutions (ACCC)...). Select you DFAX in the pop-up dialog and select your output file as well.

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answered 2013-11-12 11:53:28 -0600

Tabby gravatar image

Hi I tried to make the subsystem, monitor and contingency files in a notepad with the reaspective file extension. then tried to export that in PSS/E. But I t did not work. Should I use Python for writing the files? Or how can I make those files. If I need Python then can you please share the Python code with me which I can follow?

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Make the .sub, .mon and .con files via the PSS/E GUI as described by @yfwing above.

Peter B gravatar imagePeter B ( 2014-02-24 23:41:08 -0600 )edit

answered 2013-11-06 16:56:25 -0600

Peter B gravatar image

Also see the question and answer at the link below if you want to automate parts of the process

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Asked: 2013-10-31 20:00:11 -0600

Seen: 2,099 times

Last updated: Nov 12 '13