CBEST model for BESS
I am an undergraduate doing a research project on BESS. i used a generator as a conventional machine and used the cbest model with below parameters,
1 PMAX (pu on MBASE)
1.1 OutEff (>= 1) Output Efficiency
0.9 InpEff (<= 1) Input Efficiency
1.2 IACMAX (pu)
100 KAVR, AVR gain
0 T1, AVR time constant (sec)
1 T2, AVR time constant (sec)
0.05 T3, AVR time constant (sec) ( >0 )
10 T4, AVR time constant (sec)
1 VMAX, AVR speed limit (pu)
-1 VMIN, AVR speed limit (pu) ( <0 )
0.025 DROOP (pu)
Is it enough to model the bess or do i need to select a model for exciter, governor, stabilizer,..