I am using PSSE 36.1 version. while compiling user defined model code in environment manager I got the following error---
ifort /nologo /assume:bufferedio /traceback /libs:dll /threads /c /Qip /extend-source:132 /noaltparam /fpscomp:logicals /warn:declarations /warn:unused /warn:truncatedsource /Qdiag-disable:10448 /Qauto /iface:cvf /O2 /fpe:0 /Qprec /standard-semantics /include:"c:\program files\pti\psse36\36.1\PSSLIB" /object:"C:\Users\rtds.pssenvmgr\uexsobsolete.obj" /module:"C:\Users\rtds.pssenvmgr" "C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexs_obsolete.for"
C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(23): error #5102: Cannot open include file 'COMON4.INS' INCLUDE 'COMON4.INS' ! this is the global declaration --------------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(44): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [MODE] IF (MODE == 8) THEN ----------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(50): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [CONDSCRPT] CONDSCRPT(J) = 'TA (s), lead time constant' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(51): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [CONDSCRPT] CONDSCRPT(J+1) = 'TB (s), lag time constant' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(52): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [CONDSCRPT] CONDSCRPT(J+2) = 'K (pu), exciter gain' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(53): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [CONDSCRPT] CONDSCRPT(J+3) = 'Te (s), exciter time constant' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(54): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [CONDSCRPT] CONDSCRPT(J+4) = 'EMIN (pu), exciter minimum' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(55): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [CONDSCRPT] CONDSCRPT(J+5) = 'EMAX (pu), exciter maximum' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(58): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [STATEDSCRPT] STATEDSCRPT(K) ='First state of the block' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(59): error #6410: This name has not been declared as an array or a function. [STATEDSCRPT] STATEDSCRPT(K+1) ='Second state of the block' ---------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(66): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [STRTIN] J = STRTIN(1,SLOT) ! starting CON index ----------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(74): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NUMTRM] IB = NUMTRM(MC) ! bus sequence number -----------^ C:/Users/rtds/Desktop/UDM/PSSTest/uexsobsolete.for(88): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [MIDTRM] IF ...