Method of automatic making diagram for sld file
I hope to draw power systems for making sld file. However, I have lots of area, generators, transformers, lines stuff. If you know the method for making automatic drawing diagram, please share me it.
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I hope to draw power systems for making sld file. However, I have lots of area, generators, transformers, lines stuff. If you know the method for making automatic drawing diagram, please share me it.
If you're looking to use python scripting to help automate growing a diagram, then the commands
psspy.growbuslevels(busnumber, xposition, yposition, numlevels)
may be helpful. These commands will create a new diagram file, and start growing the displayed network elements from the input bus number based on the number of levels supplied.
I used to organize components like generators into tables based on their areas with the following script:
# Generators in subsystem 0
psspy.bsys(0,0,[ 0.38, 525.],0,[],0,[],1,[12],0,[])
ierr, (bus_arr, area_arr) = psspy.agenbusint(0, flag=4, string=["NUMBER", "AREA"])
# Group generators by areas
barras_por_areas = {}
for bus, area in zip(bus_arr, area_arr):
barras_por_areas[area] = barras_por_areas.get(area, []) + [bus]
# Make a table of generators ()
columns = 10
offset = 0
for area in barras_por_areas:
for i, bus in enumerate(barras_por_areas[area]):
psspy.growdiagram_2(1,1,["BU {}".format(bus)], i % columns, -offset - i // columns,[0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
offset += i // columns + 2 # Doble row to skip to another area
Is not a proper SLD but it helps as a visualization tool to easily check the data.
Asked: 2024-12-01 21:12:29 -0600
Seen: 165 times
Last updated: Dec 09 '24