Conversion to system MVA base

asked Nov 13 '4

slazar394 gravatar image

updated Nov 13 '4

Hello everyone! I've been working with PSS/E for some time now, but I have only the Xplore version. As I'm trying to perform eigenvalue analysis on the ENTSO-E dynamic model, I had to develop my own set of codes for eigenvalue analysis. I've parsed the RAW and DYR files into the format I'm using internally. Eigenvalue analysis produces unexpected results (although I've verified the codes on smaller systems), so I would appreciate your help in terms of checking the input data scaling to the system MVA base.

Synchronous machine

Synchronous machines are represented by the GENROU model. The scaling I've implemented is as follows:

Xd = Xd*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
Xq = Xq*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
Xdp = Xdp*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
Xqp = Xqp*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
Xdpp = Xdpp*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
Xqpp = Xdpp ;
Xl = Xl*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
H = H*machineBaseMVA/systemBaseMVA ;
D = D*machineBaseMVA/systemBaseMVA ;
Td0p = Td0p ;
Tq0p = Tq0p ;
Td0pp = Td0pp ;
Tq0pp = Tq0pp ;


Turbine-governors are represented by the TGOV1 model. The scaling I've implemented is as follows:

R = R*systemBaseMVA/machineBaseMVA ;
T1 = T1 ;
T2 = T2 ;
T3 = T3 ;
Pmax = Vmax*machineBaseMVA/systemBaseMVA ;
Pmin = Vmin*machineBaseMVA/systemBaseMVA ;

Excitation systems

Excitation systems are represented by the SEXS model. To the best of my understanding, it's not necessary to convert any of these values before writing the differential equations of the excitation system:

TaTbRatio = TaTbRatio ;
Tb = Tb ;
Ta = TaTbRatio*Tb ;
Te = Te ;
K = K ;
Efdmax = Emax ;
Efdmin = Emin ;

Power system stabilizers

Stabilizers are represented by the PSS2A model. The ramp tracking filter is bypassed by setting M = N = 0, and the gain Ks3 = 1, so the second branch of the stabilizer using the generator electrical power as input is also bypassed. This reduces the stabilizer to a typical speed-input stabilizer with two washout stages, two lead-lag blocks and a gain. As in the case of the excitation system, I don't think it's necessary to convert any of these values before writing the PSS differential equations:

Tw1 = Tw1 ;
Tw2 = Tw2 ;
T1 = T1 ;
T2 = T2 ;
T3 = T3 ;
T4 = T4 ;
K = Ks1 ;
Vsmax = Vsmax ;
Vsmin = Vsmin ;

Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for any insights!