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Droop conversion to system MVA base

asked 2024-11-09 04:16:27 -0600

slazar394 gravatar image

Hello, everyone! I'm working with a system where the governors are represented with TGOV1 model. In the PSS/E documentation it says that the droop R is given in per unit on machine base. To convert the value to the system MVA base I should use the equation:

R_system = R_machine*machineBaseMVA/systemBaseMVA

Is that correct? Thanks!

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answered 2024-11-09 11:04:29 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

No, it is the opposite.

Let us assume a 50 MVA generator with droop 4%:

  • The governor will incease Pmech with 100 %, 50 MW, if frequence drops 4%.

A generator with Mbase equal to system base 100 MVA and droop 4%:

  • The governor will increase Pmec with 100 %, 100 MW, if frequency drops 4%.

A generator with Mbase equal to system base 100 and droop 8%:

  • The governor will increase Pmec with 100 %, 100 MW, if frequency drops 8%.
  • The governor will increase Pmec with 50 %, 50 MW, if frequency drops 4%, i.e. the same response as the 50 MVA generator with droop 4%.


R_system = R_machine * systemBaseMVA / machineBaseMVA
R_system = 4% * 100 / 50 = 8%

Droop is the inverse of gain (lower droop is higher gain), so the formula for conversion from Mbase to system base is also inversed!

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Asked: 2024-11-09 04:16:27 -0600

Seen: 118 times

Last updated: Nov 09 '24