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Playback model file not found

asked Oct 8 '4

Anil gravatar image

Hello, i am using python script for running multiple dynamic simulation. For the cases where plb file is used i am getting playback model file not found error. .plb file is in the same location where dyr files are placed. Other simulation in the loop is running fine where plb is not used. For dyr files with plb as gives an warning in PSSE as file in use OpnApplFil/OPENSEA


Which PSSE version? Name of plb-file?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 8 '4)

dyre /20000 'GENCLS' 1 999.0 999.0 / 20006 'USRMDL' 1 'PLBVFU1' 1 1 3 4 3 6 1 0 'VRT1' 1.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 / VRT1.plb 0 1.000 50.0 5 1.000 50.0 10.000 1.000 50.0 10.001 1.044 50.0 12.000 1.044 50.0 12.001 1.044 50.0 13.000 1.044 50.0

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 8 '4)

PSSE 34 version

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 8 '4)

PSSE Version 34

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 8 '4)

Hi, were you able to fix it ? Am also having same issue, my .txt file says " Model PLBVFU1 Bus 260 [JENNER 4 240.00] Machine "1 " : Error: Playback model input (plb) file not found; Model Ignored."

3 answers

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answered Oct 17 '4

Anil gravatar image

When running dynamic simulation through Python scripts, the Playback model (.plb) file needs to be in the same folder as the Python script. (.Sav) & (.Dyr) files can be anywhere as their path can be constructed using Python. As the (.plb) path can not be built it should be in the working folder. The working folder is where your script is kept not where the dyr or sav file is stored


answered Oct 10 '4

Alex P gravatar image

Can you paste the full error message? Is it a file not found error, or a file in use error?

One idea, try reducing the plb file name to just 2 characters. This was required in v33, and I don't think v34 has that restriction, but it's worth trying.

If it is actually a file in use error, try ending your loops with pssehalt_2() to try to release any lock on the plb file.



Will pssehalt_2 l() stop my entire simulation?

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 11 '4)

In Progress txt ( i am exporting progress in txt) Error: Playback model (plb) not found. Model ignored Where as in main PSSE progess file in use message is popping.

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 11 '4)

I am running 100 simulations , File in use message is pooping only for thouse simulation where i have playback model referred in dyr file.

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 11 '4)

8 diagonal and 7 off-diagonal elements Model PLBVFU1 Bus 2204 [220KV POI 220.00] Machine "1 " : Error: Playback model input (plb) file not found; Model Ignored.

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 11 '4)

** LINES PER PAGE for FILE OUTPUT set to 9999999 File in use. F:\Anil\4(a).Dynamic_fault\Dyr_files\EQV_Model_R1_VRT1.dyr (OpnApplFil/OPNSEA)

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 11 '4)

answered Oct 9 '4

perolofl gravatar image

The playback file must be in the working folder.



sav file in folder A where as dyr file is in folder B along with plb file

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 9 '4)

Make sure the plb file is in PSSE´s working folder!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 9 '4)

Can you please explain PSSE´s working folder! I construction path of sav & dyr seperately and use them as required. As plb file is in the same folder of dyr i assume it takes it automatically

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 9 '4)

I even kept sav , dyr and plb in same folder still the error persist

Anil gravatar imageAnil (Oct 9 '4)

Are you running PSSE from the GUI or from pyrhon?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 9 '4)

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Asked: Oct 8 '4

Seen: 296 times

Last updated: Oct 16 '24