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No active table model for generator 1 at bus 1119 [xxxx PH 132.00] -- RUN will not be accessible

asked Sep 27 '4 gravatar image

While initializing dynamic simulation, I getting this message in the progress window on multiple generators. Can anyone help me out?

2 answers

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answered Sep 27 '4

perolofl gravatar image

You need a dynamic generator model for all in-service generators in load flow.

Either add a generator model for each machine or GNET those generators, i.e. replace them with negative loads. In the latter case the dynamic behaviour of the generator will be ignored.


answered Oct 3 '4

In addition to perolofl's answer, another reason to get the

"No active table model for generator ... at bus ...[..... 132.00] -- RUN will not be accessible"

is when the DYR models for these generators have mistakes that prevented PSSE from loading them successfully



I have received the DYR model from the consultant, they are already working on the same DYR models then why am I getting all these errors?

<">p> I am not sure why would that be the case. Two things you can check: 1-Making sure you have the correct termination symbols at the end of the DYR 2-Try and load the DYR into PSSE manually and see what errors occur

Mohamed_M gravatar imageMohamed_M (Oct 7 '4)

Appreciated, as I am new to dynamic simulation can you please elaborate how can I add DYR into PSSE manually? It might would be helpful to me. Thank you.

You can do the following: 1-Open the .CNV case in PSSE 2-Go to File->Open. Then open the DYR file 3-Go to the Dynamics Data tab and see if the models are loaded correctly to the generator rows 4-Check the Output Bar in PSSE and look for any errors if step3 showed missing generator models

Mohamed_M gravatar imageMohamed_M (Oct 8 '4)

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Asked: Sep 27 '4

Seen: 1,521 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '24