No active table model for generator 1 at bus 1119 [xxxx PH 132.00] -- RUN will not be accessible
While initializing dynamic simulation, I getting this message in the progress window on multiple generators. Can anyone help me out?
While initializing dynamic simulation, I getting this message in the progress window on multiple generators. Can anyone help me out?
You need a dynamic generator model for all in-service generators in load flow.
Either add a generator model for each machine or GNET those generators, i.e. replace them with negative loads. In the latter case the dynamic behaviour of the generator will be ignored.
In addition to perolofl's answer, another reason to get the
"No active table model for generator ... at bus ...[..... 132.00] -- RUN will not be accessible"
is when the DYR models for these generators have mistakes that prevented PSSE from loading them successfully
I have received the DYR model from the consultant, they are already working on the same DYR models then why am I getting all these errors?
Appreciated, as I am new to dynamic simulation can you please elaborate how can I add DYR into PSSE manually? It might would be helpful to me. Thank you.
You can do the following: 1-Open the .CNV case in PSSE 2-Go to File->Open. Then open the DYR file 3-Go to the Dynamics Data tab and see if the models are loaded correctly to the generator rows 4-Check the Output Bar in PSSE and look for any errors if step3 showed missing generator models