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“Python Exception Raised” error in PSSE 35.5

asked Jun 20 '4

matthew.nguyen gravatar image

Whenever I upload anything into the Python CLI on the PSSE GUI, it just outputs “Python Exception raised!” Error and doesn’t run my code. I’ve tried things like “import sys” to “print(“hello world”) and all of these just raise the same error. I am unable to run my scripts or any python code

2 answers

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answered Jul 24 '4

In the PSSE folder in your program files, there should be a file such as psspyxx. Depending on your python version, find this folder and find the file. Then copy the and psseloc file to your python site packages folder. Also, please check if there is python39.dll exist in your loaded libraries in gui >> help >> loaded libraries


answered Jun 21 '4

SpadesEE gravatar image

I ran into a similar issue, I had to re-install python. If you find where PSSE is located in your files then go to the PSSE Installer FIles and continue down the file path until you find python-x.x.xx-amdxx.exe (for me it was C:\Program Files\PTI\PSSE35InstallerFiles\35.6\Python\Python39x64\python-3.9.13-amd64.exe). After the installation, restart PSSE and maybe it will work. I noticed this was an issue when a new user would login and use PSSE. Hopefully this helps!


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Asked: Jun 20 '4

Seen: 2,182 times

Last updated: Jul 24 '24