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OPF: Unrecoverable error, solution diverging

asked 2024-03-13 04:48:46 -0600

sujin7025 gravatar image

updated 2024-03-13 21:55:21 -0600

jconto gravatar image

I'm studying about OPF in psse v35.0. I want to use savnw file (.raw, .rop) given by PSSE example. I didn't change anything of savnw file, but, there is error like "ERROR: Unrecoverable error, solution diverging" Also, there is output bar "All data appears to be okay

Note: There were 3 infeasible variables found. The sum of the violations is .205502 The largest violation is variable Efd 206, value: .193442"

I'm really urgent, please help me....

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answered 2024-03-13 21:54:14 -0600

jconto gravatar image

Check that the *.rop file is loaded correctly, no error messages!. I have to copy the savnw.rop from v.34 into the v.35 folder, load the sav case and then the *.rop file, and then the OPF gave no errors

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Asked: 2024-03-13 04:48:46 -0600

Seen: 181 times

Last updated: Mar 13