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Ip and Iq output from BESS

asked 2024-03-13 02:33:38 -0500

Zhnoob gravatar image

updated 2024-03-13 06:13:46 -0500

Hi, I am using REGCA1 and REECCU1 to model an BESS.

If I want to observe the Ip and Iq value output from REGCA1, what will be the best approach? (Also I didn't found to option to output these channels in ''chsb" function.)

If to get Ip and Iq from REGCA1 is not possible, would getting Ipcmd and Iqcmd these two VARs from reeccu1 be an option?

Edit: If I want to use GUI to test first, (Dynamics > Define simulation output (CHAN) > Misc quantity), how could I choose the VARs in REGCA1 and REECCU1 by using the GUI by using only VARs this blank?

Later I'll also tend to use python also, will "var_channel" work in this case?

Thanks! Any suggestion will be much appreciate!

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2 answers

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answered 2024-03-19 02:06:27 -0500

dat gravatar image

You may use PELEC/ETERM to represent Ip.

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answered 2024-03-22 19:35:57 -0500

IndiraX gravatar image

You can use this format:

##Monitoring internal variables of a model
##ierr, variableNumber = psspy.mdlind(busNumber, 'machine id', 'GEN', 'VAR')

For example:

Bess_lbl="14850[BESS6       0.6000]1"
ierr, varNum = psspy.windmind(14850, '1', 'WAUX', 'VAR')       ##PLANT Control variables - REPCAU
psspy.var_channel([-1,varNum],"PCv1" + Bess_lbl)                   ##Vref
psspy.var_channel([-1,varNum+1],"PCv2" + Bess_lbl)                 ##Qref

I hope this helps.

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Asked: 2024-03-13 02:33:38 -0500

Seen: 216 times

Last updated: Mar 22