Run power flow using the result of economic dispatch
I want to reset real power output of generators according to the results of economic dispatch and then re-run power flow. How can I do that?
For example, there are 2 generators in the system, and their real power output (pgen1, pgen2) of economic dispatch is 200MW, and 150 MW. Is there any python command (syntax) that I can run power flow with pgen1=200MW, and pgen2=150MW?
I use the following python code to run unit commitment and economic dispatch: psspy.ecdi(0,1,1,r"C:\Users\JQ\Documents\PTI\PSSE35\EXAMPLE\XXX.ecd",0,[0.0,0.0]) psspy.ecdi(0,1,2,r"C:\Users\JQ\Documents\PTI\PSSE35\EXAMPLE\XXX.ecd",0,[0.0,0.0]) psspy.ecdi(0,1,3,r"C:\Users\JQ\Documents\PTI\PSSE35\EXAMPLE\XXX.ecd",0,[ 350, 100.0]) psspy.ecdi(0,1,4,r"C:\Users\JQ\Documents\PTI\PSSE35\EXAMPLE\XXX.ecd",0,[350,100.0])
Thanks, JQ