Saturation curve

asked Feb 26 '4

gabriel_ipu gravatar image

Hi, im trying to match PSS/E and an brazilian software ANATEM. The PSS/E generator models (GENROU, GENROE, GENSAE and GENSAL) , have two parameters S(1.0) and S(1.2). I've tried to find how the saturation curve is made but coudn't find it.

For example: GENSAE - (Exponential Saturation on Both Axes) GENROU - (Quadratic Saturation)

Can someone help me and explain this ? Is there an equation that discribe thoses Saturation curves?


I actually find it at PAGV2 documentation, but dont have an idea of how to compatibilizate the two softwares. At Brazilian software i only have one type of curve that can compatibilize with it, and it is like that:

gabriel_ipu gravatar imagegabriel_ipu (Feb 27 '4)