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Dynamic simulation in a for loop using PSSE35

asked Feb 8 '4

Ray gravatar image

updated Feb 9 '4

With PSSEv35.3, if running the dynamic simulation in a for loop, it shows the same outputs even I made the change to generator parameters. The same code works well in PSSE EXPLORE 34.

Here is the code:

def myfunc(param)

## PSSE34
import os, sys, csv
sys_path_PSSE = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSEXplore34\PSSPY27'  
os_path_PSSE = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSEXplore34\PSSBIN'
os.environ['PATH'] = ';' + os_path_PSSE

## PSSE35
import PSSE35

## sharing code for both versions
import dyntools, psspy, redirect
_i = psspy.getdefaultint()
_f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
_s = psspy.getdefaultchar()

psspy.progress_output(6, '', [])

Case = 'casefile.raw'
plbfile = 'pb.plb'
dyrfile ='case.dyr'
OutFile = 'plotcase.out', Case)

f1 = open(plbfile)
reader = csv.reader(f1)
row1 = next(reader)
row2 = next(reader)
t1 = float(row1[0])
t2 = float(row2[0])
Resolution = 0.033

psspy.bsys(sid=2, numbus=1, buses=1) # Assign SID=2 to Bus 1

psspy.change_plmod_con(1, r"""01""", r"""IEEEST""", 12, float(param[0]))
psspy.change_plmod_con(1, r"""01""", r"""IEEEST""", 13, float(param[1]))


psspy.conl(0, 1, 1, [0, 0], [100, 0, 0, 100])
psspy.conl(0, 1, 2, [0, 0], [100, 0, 0, 100])
psspy.conl(0, 1, 3, [0, 0], [100, 0, 0, 100])

psspy.dynamics_solution_param_2([_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [_f, _f, num_steps, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f])

psspy.strt(1, OutFile), Trun_end, 80000, 1, 0)

ch = dyntools.CHNF(OutFile)
short_title, chanid_dict, chandata_dict = ch.get_data()

psspy.pssehalt_2() ## this line is commented out for PSSE35, otherwise, it will stop after 2nd initialization

In a for loop, this function is called with different parameters loaded.

for in range(100): # read parameters get param myfunc(param)

1 answer

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answered Feb 8 '4

jconto gravatar image

updated Feb 9 '4

If the same python version is used for both v.34 and v.35, there is no need to change the code (except the obvious, psse35 instead of psse34...). And the psspy API functions should works the same way. Check the log files for errors during running time.

If possible, post your code for other to comment on it (and learn from it). I recommend to update the code to python 3.9 for v.35



Thank you for the help. The code is updated.

Ray gravatar imageRay (Feb 9 '4)

var sys_path_PSSE is set for v.34, so update such path for v.35 (same for os_path_PSSE). vars t1, t2 are defined but not used. var num_steps is not defined. vars param[0], param[1] would change on each iteration (?). The loop code is missing. Test if the passing vars are changing within the loop.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Feb 9 '4)

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Asked: Feb 8 '4

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Last updated: Feb 09 '24