How can I get the Specific Bus number and PU ? (Not All)
How can I get the Specific Bus number and PU ? (Not All)
I've been tried two ways, but it still couldn't work.
- I want to get Only Bus number 875's PU volts (maybe 2 or 3 or 4 buses number and PU volts, but not all)
I tried the code below but I can't see the result in the python shell.
psspy.bsys(0,0,[ 0.38, 345.],0,[],1,[875],0,[],0,[])
2.The second way I've tried to use psspy.abusint、 psspy.abusreal and also put it into excel.
but I read the PSS/E API. This way seems like can't get specific Bus I want.
ierr,buses = psspy.abusint(-1,1,string='NUMBER')
ierr,volts = psspy.abusreal(-1,1,string='PU')
I appreciate you taking the time to read my question.