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save raw and dyr file

asked 2023-05-14 12:28:35 -0500

erika gravatar image

Hi, I was working on a .sav and .snp file. After making some changes I wanted to save it as a new .sav and .snp file. I tried using rawd_2 api but didn't work. After I save them the new file didn't contain any data. So I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to save the .sav and .snp file as new files so that I will be be able to open them and check if the changes were applied correctly?

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answered 2023-05-17 07:22:28 -0500

Alex P gravatar image

maybe you have the options set incorrectly for rawd_2. Here's an example to try:

psspy.rawd2(0,1,[1,1,1,0,0,0,0], 0, 'rawfile_out.raw')

Frequently helpful to record a script while doing something manually and use that to get the correct options for a particular call.

I also avoid using snap files. Instead I reload the dyr and make any necessary dynamic solution settings for each run. In my opinion, snap files just hide old settings in an unreadable binary format.

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answered 2023-05-15 03:40:09 -0500

perolofl gravatar image

It seems like you are running PSSE from script only. For a total beginner I recommend to run PSSE manually in the GUI.

There are two ways to find the appropriate API for a certain activity in PSSE:

1: Search in the API manual

2: Use the method shown in I want to change the active power of a certain generator....

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Asked: 2023-05-14 12:28:35 -0500

Seen: 821 times

Last updated: May 17 '23