Can I run PSSE on mac or Linux?
I want to install PSSE on a computer without windows. Is that possible? How did you do it?
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I haven't tried to install PSSE on linux myself. Sometimes it is worth just buying a copy or finding a computer with Windows available to save yourself the hassle.
According to that report PSSE will run under WINE environment in Linux on a network license.
I found a copy of Windows to install on a Virtual Server (Virtualbox). Now I run Windows inside Linux.
Asked: Jan 7 '12
Seen: 4,410 times
Last updated: Oct 07 '13
Is it possible to have two versions of PSSE installed simultaneously?
Installing Multiple PSSE 33 or 34 Sub-Versions (Solution)
I am having problems to find the write installation file for PSSE demo version
Intel Runtime Libraries not found - PSSE Installation
PSS/E disappear within half a minute after I turn it on
Installing v32 After Installing v34