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Perform a PV study (check the manual for details) with your single generator as the source. The sink can be left to the swing bus. Start with Pgen at a low value, 10% fo Pmax, and within a loop, load flow solve it, retrieve Qgen and save both in an array; next increase Pgen by a delta amount (10%) and repeat. Exit the loop when Pgen reaches Pmax. Plot the array Pgen v. Qgen. [BTW, Pgen, Qgen values can be found manually too!]

Perform a PV study (check the manual for details) with your single generator as the source. The sink can be left to the swing bus. Start with Pgen at a low value, 10% fo of Pmax, and within a loop, load flow solve it, retrieve Qgen and save both in an array; next increase Pgen by a delta amount (10%) and repeat. Exit the loop when Pgen reaches Pmax. Plot the array Pgen v. Qgen. [BTW, Pgen, Qgen values can be found manually too!]