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You will be fine with Python2.7

On the PyEvolve website they list Python2.5+ as a requirement, the + here means up to 2.7 which is what PSSE33 uses. Generally any program written in Python2.5 will work on Python2.7 too.

I'm curious about PyEvolve, what are you using genetic algorithms for?

You will be fine with Python2.7

On the PyEvolve website they list Python2.5+ as a requirement, the + here means up to 2.7 which is what PSSE33 uses. Generally any program written in Python2.5 will work on Python2.7 too.

I'm curious about PyEvolve, what are you using genetic algorithms for?

(edit) I have Python2.7 installed here and I was able to get pyevolve running (on MacOSX) without much problem. Note that easy_install and pip won't automatically install PyEvolve. You'll have to download the source code and install it yourself:

  1. visit
  2. download the zip:
  3. unzip
  4. run the file, or just copy the pyevolve directory to your Python's site-packages folder on windows this is generally:
