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Example 1:

ierr, types = psspy.abustypes('TYPE')

will return 0 ['I'] since 'TYPE' is a valid string to API abusint.

Example 2:

ierr, types = psspy.abustypes(['TYPE','PU','VOLTAGE','EXNAME'])

will return 0 ['I', 'R', 'X', 'C'] since the arguments are valid strings to API abusint, abusreal, abuscplx and abuschar respectively.

Example 3:

ierr, types = psspy.abustypes(['TYPE','PU','VOLTAGE','EXNAME','XXX'])

will return 5 [None, None, None, None, None] since argument 'XXX' is not a valid string to API abusint, abusreal, abuscplx or abuschar. I.e., all supplied strings must be valid!!! The error code is 5 here since it is the fifth element in the list that contains the wrong string.