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PGEN is used only for load flow and not in dynamics, so that variabel is not updated during a dynamic simulation. The actual generator electric power is stored in PELEC so you have to enter channels for all generators to be supervised.

At steady state with constant frequency PMECH and PELEC will be the same, if RSORCE is zero, i.e. no losses in the generator. However PELEC is given in pu system base and not in Mbase. The frequency bias for the governor may be calculated from the change in PMECH (or PELEC) during the simulation.

You can use channels with subsystem power totals for all buses (CHSB) if you are only interested in the total electric generator power (sum of PELEC) and not the individual power for each generator.

Mbase is the nominal MVA rating for the generator and the power base for all dynamic data. PMAX is a load flow parameter only and not used in dynamics.