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PSSE ships with its own Python distribution which doesn't include numpy and matplotlib. In this case you probably want to run with Python on top.

The Whit guys have also written a nice article on doing this.

It's possible to get a version of numpy and matplotlib to run with the PSSE Python distribution, but it's probably more work than it's worth.

PSSE ships with its own Python distribution which doesn't include numpy and matplotlib. In this case you probably want to run with Python on top.

The Whit guys have also written a nice article on doing this.

It's possible to get a version of numpy and matplotlib to run with the PSSE Python distribution, distribution but it's probably more work than it's worth.worth. PSSE maintains build packages of scientific tools for the correct PSSE Python versions.

For me, running the system Python on top is usually more convenient.

  • Things like IDE's play nicely with it.
  • Python install is orthogonal to PSSE install.
  • The C:\Python27\ install tree is comforting.
  • Only one Python install to maintain.