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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Well, in my file PSSBIN there isn't any psspyc.pyd so i guess some files are missing in my PSS30. I will check it out with my friends and see if they have those files. Meanwhile, i try python 2.5 with PSS32 student version. Another error appears, i run the code and the follow message appears:

"Messages for api LIST

PSS(R)E not properly initialized"

Thus anyone knows how to solve this problem?

My code was:

import os,sys


os.environ['PATH'] = (r"D:\COMPONENTE_LOGICA\PTI\PSSEUniversity32\PSSBIN"+";" + os.environ['PATH'])

import psspy

import redirect



click to hide/show revision 2
code formatting

Well, in my file PSSBIN there isn't any psspyc.pyd so i guess some files are missing in my PSS30. I will check it out with my friends and see if they have those files. Meanwhile, i try python 2.5 with PSS32 student version. Another error appears, i run the code and the follow message appears:

"Messages for api LIST

PSS(R)E not properly initialized"

Thus anyone knows how to solve this problem?

My code was:

import os,sys

os,sys sys.path.append(r"D:\COMPONENTE_LOGICA\PTI\PSSEUniversity32\PSSBIN")


os.environ['PATH'] = (r"D:\COMPONENTE_LOGICA\PTI\PSSEUniversity32\PSSBIN"+";" + os.environ['PATH'])


import psspy

psspy import redirect redirect.psse2py()

import redirect


