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I figured out a way to create all N-1 generator contingency list by writing commands "REMOVE MACHINE [MCID] FROM BUS [BUSID]" explicitly one by one to the .con file. But my module I used in my problem is based on the possibility that you know how to associated a GUI defined subsystem label to a valid subsystem id (0~11). Right now, I use the whole working case as a subsystem, so that the subsystem id is equal to -1.
def createConFile(psspy, conFileName, subsysID, subSysLabel):
# manipute with working case data- all returned data are in the same order
allMachID = psspy.amachchar(subsysID, 4, 'ID') # return total number of machines in working case
print "machID =", allMachID[1][0]
#allMachBUSName = psspy.amachchar(subsysID, 4, 'EXNAME') # return total number of in-service machines at in-service plants
#print "machBusName=", allMachBUSName[1][0]
busNums = psspy.amachint(subsysID, 4, 'NUMBER') # change -1 to some subsystem ID
print "list of bus numbers ", busNums[1][0]
conFile = open(conFileName, 'w')
# generate a .con file which
conFile.write("/PSS(R)E 33\n")
conFile.write("COM CONTINGENCY description file entry created by PSS(R)E Config File Builder \n")
conFile.write("SINGLE BRANCH IN SUBSYSTEM '%s' \n\n" % subSysLabel) # define "DayHr2" as a variable
# contingencies for removing each specified machine
for i in range(len(allMachID[1][0])): # use index to enumerate b/c all data in the same order in terms of mach id
conFile.write("CONTINGENCY 'MACHINE %d-BUS%d' \n" %(int(allMachID[1][0][i]), busNums[1][0][i]))
conFile.write('REMOVE MACHINE %s FROM BUS %d \n' %(allMachID[1][0][i], busNums[1][0][i]))
conFile.write('END \n\n')
Hope someone will find this helpful.
I figured out a way to create all N-1 generator contingency list by writing commands "REMOVE MACHINE [MCID] FROM BUS [BUSID]" explicitly one by one to the .con file. But my module I used in my problem is based on the possibility that you know how to associated a GUI defined subsystem label to a valid subsystem id (0~11). Right now, I use the whole working case as a subsystem, so that the subsystem id is equal to -1.
def createConFile(psspy, conFileName, subsysID, subSysLabel):
# manipute with working case data- all returned data are in the same order
allMachID ierr, (allMachID,) = psspy.amachchar(subsysID, 4, 'ID') # return total number of machines in working case
print "machID =", allMachID[1][0]
#allMachBUSName = psspy.amachchar(subsysID, 4, 'EXNAME') # return total number of in-service machines at in-service plants
#print "machBusName=", allMachBUSName[1][0]
busNums allMachID
ierr, (busNums,) = psspy.amachint(subsysID, 4, 'NUMBER') # change -1 to some subsystem ID
print "list of bus numbers ", busNums[1][0]
conFile = open(conFileName, 'w')
# generate a .con file which
conFile.write("/PSS(R)E 33\n")
conFile.write("COM CONTINGENCY description file entry created by PSS(R)E Config File Builder \n")
conFile.write("SINGLE BRANCH IN SUBSYSTEM '%s' \n\n" % subSysLabel) # define "DayHr2" as a variable
# contingencies for removing each specified machine
for i machid, busnum in range(len(allMachID[1][0])): # use index to enumerate b/c all data in the same order in terms of mach id
zip(allMachID, busNums):
conFile.write("CONTINGENCY 'MACHINE %d-BUS%d' \n" %(int(allMachID[1][0][i]), busNums[1][0][i]))
%( int(machid), busnum))
conFile.write('REMOVE MACHINE %s FROM BUS %d \n' %(allMachID[1][0][i], busNums[1][0][i]))
%(machid, busNum))
conFile.write('END \n\n')
Hope someone will find this helpful.