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Dyntool _outextract_data equivalent function in PSSE V34.6

asked 2019-11-14 10:03:37 -0500

Clarck gravatar image

Hi folks,

Dyntools in PSSE V34.6 does not have function "outextractdata". I am trying to replace it with "CHNF" but after using function "get_data", chandata only brings the first variable (time) . How I can fix it.


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3 answers

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answered 2019-11-14 10:17:00 -0500

jconto gravatar image

can you show a few lines of the code? If it is able to extract 'time', it should be able to extract any other channels.

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answered 2019-11-14 17:14:07 -0500

drsgao gravatar image

updated 2019-11-14 17:20:04 -0500

The follows are docstrings of the dyntools module in v34.6.1 (PY27 version). Read it and see what you can use.


    class CHNF
     |  This class reads PSSE dynamics simulation studies channel output binary (.out) files, and
     |  provides methods to access and post process the data from those files.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, *outfiles, **kwds)
     |      Create CHNF object as below and apply various methods defined here.
     |      Syntax:
     |          chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF(*outfiles, **kwds)
     |      Arguments:
     |          outfiles = Provide one or more PSSE dynamics channel output file names separated by comma.
     |                     At least one file name must be provided.
     |      Allowed Keywords:
     |          outvrsn  = 0, for no Extended Channel output file type (.out)
     |                   = 1, for Extended Channel output file type (.outx) (default)
     |  csvout(self, channels='', csvfile='', outfile='', ntimestep=1)
     |      Write PSSE Dynamic Simulation Channel Output File Data to ASCII text file.
     |      chnfobj.csvout(outfile, channels, csvfile, ntimestep)
     |      channels = Channel numbers to extract, specified as a channel number or
     |                 list of channel numbers to extract.
     |                 If not specified, all channels are extracted, default.
     |      csvfile  = Data saved to this Text File
     |                 Default extension - .csv
     |                 Default name - outfile name with .csv extension
     |      outfile  = PSSE Dynamic Simulation Channel Output File Name (.out), when not
     |                 provided, used 1st file from the files provided during object creation.
     |      ntimestep= Number of timesteps per data export, i.e., for every 'ntimestep' data
     |                 is exported. Default=1, i.e., export data for every time step.
     |  get_data(self, channels='', outfile='')
     |      Return short_title, chanid and chandata for outfile.
     |      short_title, chanid, chandata = chnfobj.get_data(channels,outfile)
     |      channels    = Channel numbers to extract, specified as a channel number or
     |                    list of channel numbers to extract.
     |                    If not specified, all channels are extracted, default.
     |      outfile     = PSSE Dynamic Simulation Channel Output File Name (.out), when not
     |                    provided, used 1st file from the files provided during object creation.
     |      Returns
     |      short_title = String of Short title of the PSSE case
     |      chanid      = Dictionary of Channel IDs, {'time':'Time(s)',1:id1,2:id2,...,n:idn}
     |      chandata    = Dictionary of Channel Data, {'time':[v],1:[v1],2:[v2],...,n:[vn]}
     |                    where 1, 2, ..n are channel numbers available in the input file
     |                          id1, id2, ...idn are the channel identifiers.
     |                          v, v1, v2, are data values.
     |  get_id(self, outfile='')
     |      Return short_title and chanid for outfile.
     |      short_title, chanid = chnfobj.get_id(outfile)
     |      outfile     = PSSE Dynamic Simulation Channel Output File Name (.out), when not
     |                    provided, used 1st file from the files provided during object creation.
     |      Returns
     |      short_title = String of Short title of the PSSE case
     |      chanid      = Dictionary of Channel IDs, {'time':'Time(s)',1:id1,2:id2,...,n:idn}
     |  get_range(self, outfile='')
     |      Return actual minimum and maximum channel values (range) for outfile.
     |      chanrange = chnfobj.get_range(outfile)
     |      outfile   = PSSE Dynamic Simulation Channel Output File Name (.out), when not
     |                  provided, used 1st file from the files provided during object creation.
     |      Returns
     |      chanrange = Dictionary of Channel range values
     |                = {'time':{'min':v,'max':v},
     |                       1 :{'min':v,'max':v},......
     |                       n :{'min':v,'max':v} }
     |                  where 1, 2, ..n are channel numbers available in the outfile
     |                        'min':v are minumum values, and ...
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answered 2019-11-15 12:08:38 -0500

Clarck gravatar image

updated 2019-11-15 12:15:53 -0500

Thanks Everyone, I fixed it. The problem was the Out file name in get_data() function:

class ChannelData:

def __init__(self, fileName):
    self.timeChannelName = 'time'
    temp0 = dyntools.CHNF(fileName , outvrsn = 1)
    (short_title, chanid, chandata) = temp0.get_data()
    temp = [short_title, dict(), dict()]
    temp[1] = dict(chanid).copy()
    temp[2] = dict(chandata).copy()
    self.fileName = os.path.abspath(fileName)
    self.titles = short_title.split("\n")
    self.channelNameRef = dict(chanid).copy()
    del self.channelNameRef[self.timeChannelName]
    self.channelByName = dict([(self.channelNameRef[name], name) for name in self.channelNameRef.keys()])
    self.channelData = dict()
    self.n = len(temp[2][self.timeChannelName])
    for cn in self.channelNameRef.keys():
        values = temp[2][cn]
        assert(self.n == len(values))
        x = numpy.array(values)
        if (numpy.isnan(x).any()): 
            raise Exception('NaN in channel %s' % cn)
        self.channelData[cn] = x
    self.time = numpy.array(temp[2][self.timeChannelName])
def getTime(self):
    return self.time
def readChannel(self, channelName):
    k = self.channelByName[channelName]
    return self.channelData[k]
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Asked: 2019-11-14 10:03:37 -0500

Seen: 1,006 times

Last updated: Nov 15 '19