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Subroutine VLTFR6 converts the real base voltage BASVLT(IB) to a left justified character returned in string VLTI.

Subroutine ADINTN converts the integer JJ to a left justified character returned in string CB1.

VLTI and CB1 are local variables and must be declared as CHARACTER, e.g. CHARACTER*6.

The benefit is that the last CON number can be written left justified in the DOCU report, i.e. immedietaly after the minus sign, see example below, where the CON range is 1-14.

 Model GENROU Bus 101 [NUC-A       21.600] Machine "1 " :

                  C O N S     S T A T E S
                    1-14          1-6

If JJ had been written as an integer the corresponding report would look like:

 Model GENROU Bus 101 [NUC-A       21.600] Machine "1 " :

                  C O N S     S T A T E S
                    1-    14      1-    6

which is not so nice since there are several spaces between the minus sign and the value.

In mode 5, 6 and 7, dynamic models shall write to the Fortran number stored in common variable IPRT.