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2024-10-10 01:57:43 -0500 commented answer Can we create a single line diagram(sld) from raw data using python?

This part also can be automated, if delta X and delta Y function can be created using python. the whole sld can be grown with a single click

2024-10-10 01:56:51 -0500 commented answer Can we create a single line diagram(sld) from raw data using python?

The SLD can be easily grown from .raw using python, I have tried the same using excel and macros Hint : use .LOC file syntax and profile coordinates where you want to place the buses

2024-10-10 01:51:25 -0500 commented answer Python API data retrieval of voltage and current related to dummy bus after in-line fault of SCMU

Syntax for V35 is : This API routine was first introduced in release 28.0.0. Python command syntax: ierr = scinit() Please crosscheck manual for V34 version

2024-10-10 01:50:22 -0500 answered a question Python API data retrieval of voltage and current related to dummy bus after in-line fault of SCMU

I have came across similar error before, Before calling scbus2 or scbrn2, you need to initialize the short-circuit data retrieval APIs using scinit()

If this was already taken care of, then the error maybe because of syntax error or the bus may not be part of the system

2024-10-09 21:39:23 -0500 answered a question Conversion of slider file to other platforms

The information from .sld i.e x,y coordinates of the elements can be extracted (exported) using .loc file.

you need to change program setting to lock geocoordinates, once this done, you can grow the .sld from scratch in single click using grow button.

The .loc file has information in (x,y) coordinates format, hence is very easy to designed in an excel sheet, than to grow individual buses in slider file.

Similarly .draw file can be created using .sld via .loc file (let me know if you need a detailed process information)