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2024-10-09 14:29:01 -0500 commented answer Playback model file not found

Are you running PSSE from the GUI or from pyrhon?

2024-10-09 12:47:43 -0500 commented answer Playback model file not found

Make sure the plb file is in PSSE´s working folder!

2024-10-09 07:27:37 -0500 answered a question Playback model file not found

The playback file must be in the working folder.

2024-10-08 02:29:33 -0500 commented question Playback model file not found

Which PSSE version? Name of plb-file?

2024-10-03 17:12:39 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-09-29 07:07:58 -0500 answered a question Definition of phase shifter transformer

Also power limits must be given in Vmax, Vmin, see for example transformer 202 - 203 in savnw network in Example folder:

image description

When solving the load flow option "Adjust phase shift" must be selected:

image description

2024-09-28 01:47:58 -0500 commented answer PMECH Initialized out of limit: PMECH (pu on Trate)= 0.7727 Flow (q) Initialized out of limit: Flow= 0.8667

I believe it is a typo. Maybe they mean S3 for STATE(K+3)?

2024-09-27 08:21:51 -0500 answered a question Model FRQDCAT Model Instance 1: Generator bus is not a TYPE 2 bus -- MODEL IGNORED

This is a miscellaneous model that trips the generator bus at over- or underfrequency.

In this case there is no generator bus stated in ICON(M+1), so the model is just ignored.

You can ignore this message or remove the model.

The quality of your recieved dynamic data is not good.

2024-09-27 08:14:40 -0500 answered a question No active table model for generator 1 at bus 1119 [xxxx PH 132.00] -- RUN will not be accessible

You need a dynamic generator model for all in-service generators in load flow.

Either add a generator model for each machine or GNET those generators, i.e. replace them with negative loads. In the latter case the dynamic behaviour of the generator will be ignored.

2024-09-26 01:55:25 -0500 commented answer PMECH Initialized out of limit: PMECH (pu on Trate)= 0.7727 Flow (q) Initialized out of limit: Flow= 0.8667

Increase the limit in the governor model.

2024-09-25 05:04:48 -0500 answered a question No active table model for Switched Shunt "1 " at bus " xxx [xxx xxx.00]" -- check this before continuing with the simulation

There is a switched shunt with continous control but no dynamic model. This is a warning only and can be ignored if the switched shunt shall be kept constant during the dynamic simulation.

2024-09-25 05:00:57 -0500 answered a question PMECH Initialized out of limit: PMECH (pu on Trate)= 0.7727 Flow (q) Initialized out of limit: Flow= 0.8667

Pgen in load flow is higher than the limit in the governor model. Reduce Pgen in load flow or increase the limit in the governor model.

2024-09-19 09:28:50 -0500 answered a question Load model CLODAR Ignored: No Positive Load

This can be ignored. There is some zero bus load in the selected area.

2024-09-19 08:37:57 -0500 answered a question TWO-TERM DC LINE "LINE 1" USER MODEL "TXJUD" NOT ACCESSIBLE

You are using an user written HVDC model with name ZXJUD there Z is any letter except "T". These models have a second entry point with the first character repalced with the letter "T". In this case TXJUD. That subroutine is called in "CONET", i.e. at every iteration done by TYSL.

You need to access the dll file with the user model and add it to PSSE before initialising.

2024-09-19 08:26:58 -0500 answered a question Compile models not supplied by PSSE and create user dll

See the other post with exactly the same title: Compile models not supplied by PSSE and create user dll

asked Sep 9 '4.

It is better to search the forum before raising a new question!

2024-09-17 01:37:49 -0500 commented answer Initial condition Check OK

Missing models means user written models are used in the dyre-file but the code is missing. DLL for those models must be loaded into PSSE.

2024-09-17 01:32:25 -0500 answered a question Parameters rxb

Use ierr, z = psspy.brndt2(ibus, jbus, ickt, 'RX') to return the complex impedance (r+jx) and

ierr , b = psspy.brndat(ibus, jbus, ickt, 'CHARG') to return the charging (b).

You need two API's in psspy.

2024-09-14 06:27:22 -0500 commented question I want to apply PSS/E 33 version of Python code to PSS/E 35 version, but I get an error. How do I fix the code?

Check the error code from

2024-09-14 04:30:43 -0500 commented question I want to apply PSS/E 33 version of Python code to PSS/E 35 version, but I get an error. How do I fix the code?

Where is the error meesage?

2024-09-11 12:12:40 -0500 commented answer Do you know a code to find how many buses away are two buses in a power flow?

This is a Python function and shall be inserted in a Python script, together with a call of the function, as described above. The function definition must be before the function call.

2024-09-10 03:07:05 -0500 answered a question How to check whether a case is a converted case or non converted for dynamic simulation?

Use API psspy.gencnv().

2024-09-10 03:04:39 -0500 commented answer Compile models not supplied by PSSE and create user dll

Ask the supplier of the .dyr file for all necessary dll files for the user written models used in the .dyr file. The files are then added with menu Dynamics - Model Library - Add Model library.

2024-09-09 13:30:29 -0500 answered a question Compile models not supplied by PSSE and create user dll

There is at least one user written model used that is not included in PSSE package. The model code for those models must be added as a DLL-file.

The names of missing model codes are written to progress window during initialisation.

2024-09-09 13:22:06 -0500 answered a question Initial condition Check OK

The first to do is to check all messages written to progress window at initialisation. Any model hitting limits, missing model, etc.


A DLL file is added with menu Dynamics - Model Library - Load Model library...

2024-09-09 00:38:07 -0500 commented answer Can someone explain to me the possibilities of the "Tie" argument that appears in many commands?

It is very clearly described in API manual! Argument ties=3 will return all interior subsystem branches and tie branches.

2024-09-08 13:19:57 -0500 answered a question Can someone explain to me the possibilities of the "Tie" argument that appears in many commands?

Ties are the branches/transformers leaving the selected subsystem. E.g., if area 1 in savnw is chosen, the branches going to area 2 and 5.

2024-09-07 01:59:37 -0500 answered a question CBEST model in pss/e

Signal Paux can be updated manually during the simulation- with API

psspy.change_plmod_var(IBUS,ID",r"""CBEST""",1, Paux)

It is also possible to write your own auxiliary model that controls VAR(L) of CBEST.

2024-09-07 01:47:47 -0500 answered a question need .sld file for IEEE 39 bus system?

I simple googling gave the following layout:

image description

It is now easy to create the diagram yourself in PSSE!

2024-09-07 01:32:34 -0500 answered a question How to plot governor response

Select Subsystem Power Total for All Buses. This will add five channels with total PMECH, PELEC, PACCEL, PLOAD and PE-PL for all generators. Channel PMECH FOR ALL BUSES shows the the total turbine power in MW.

An example with trip og generator 3018 in savnw network: image description

After trip of generator 3018 the total PMECH is 3185.7 MW. At the new steady state the turbine power is 3266.4 MW. The total governor response is 3266.4-3185.7 = 80.7 MW.

2024-09-04 15:16:05 -0500 answered a question Inertia value for Generator in dynamic modelling.

It is the total mass and on generator MVA base.

2024-09-03 13:50:29 -0500 answered a question Messages for api DIST_SPCB_FAULT_2 No sequence data in memory (004290)

If no sequence data can be found, you can create a .seq file with typical zero sequence data for OHLs and transformers and suitable grounding codes for the transformers. For example use a script to add X0 = 3*X1 for all branches.

2024-09-03 04:28:11 -0500 commented question Messages for api DIST_SPCB_FAULT_2 No sequence data in memory (004290)

Must it be an unbalanced fault, e.g. LG or is it sufficient with a balanced three phase fault?

2024-09-02 03:16:27 -0500 commented answer How can i set the fualt location in PSS/E

You need sequence data for the case to perform unbalanced faults. For a three phase in-line fault without sequence data available, use the method proposed by @PH-profile.

2024-09-01 01:25:11 -0500 commented answer Why do it get current in other phases when i short circuit one phase (Single line to ground fault). IEC 60909 calculations

The Table shows the results at the faulted bus, bus number 3!!!! Of course the meaning is ""From the object connected to bus 4". In this case the WhyDelta transformer.

2024-08-31 09:00:45 -0500 commented answer Why do it get current in other phases when i short circuit one phase (Single line to ground fault). IEC 60909 calculations

It´s the zero sequence current flowing into the grounded Y-winding. Please read about symmetrical components and zero sequence for grounded WhyDelta transformers. The current is flowing in the 400 kV winding. There is no current in the 135 kV winding, i.e. no current flowing from bus 4!!!

2024-08-24 23:28:22 -0500 commented answer Why do it get current in other phases when i short circuit one phase (Single line to ground fault). IEC 60909 calculations

What do you mean? There is no current flowing from bus 4.

2024-08-20 02:25:36 -0500 commented answer 3-Winding Transformer MVA & X(pu)

Reactance X2-3 should always be larger than X1-2 and X3-1.

2024-08-20 02:24:11 -0500 commented answer 3-Winding Transformer MVA & X(pu)

Transformer impedance is normally given on the base of the weakest winding involved. In this case the 62.5 MVA winding.

2024-08-19 07:02:57 -0500 answered a question 3-Winding Transformer MVA & X(pu)

Use Impedance I/O Code = 2, for impedance on winding MVA.

Enter X1-2 and X3-1 as 0.13 pu on 62.5 MVA base.

X-2-3 is not given. Assume something, e.g. 0.3 pu on 62.5 MVA base.

The data record looks like this:

image description

In 100 MVA base the reactance for each leg of the transformer is -0.032, 0.24 and 0.24 pu.

The reactance from winding 1 to 2 is 0.24-0.032 = 0.208 pu on 100 MVA base. On transformer base the reactance is 0.208*62.5/100 = 0.13 pu.

In this example the bus base voltage is the same as the nominal voltages of the transformer.

2024-08-19 03:07:53 -0500 answered a question Transformer Symbol

In rev 35:

Edit - Preferences... - Diagram - Global Setting: Select ISO for Symbol Mode.

2024-08-15 04:32:22 -0500 answered a question How can i set the fualt location in PSS/E

Use API dist_spcb_fault_2 to simulate an unbalanced in-line fault.

2024-08-03 02:00:29 -0500 commented answer Why my user defined model can not work?

WIQCMD is initialised by the renewable generator model and will be kept constant if it is not updated by the electric model.

2024-08-03 01:55:15 -0500 answered a question Why my user defined model can not work?

Variable VOLT is complex. Use ABS(VOLT(IB)) instead to get the voltage magnitude.

2024-07-12 16:25:34 -0500 commented question I want to suddenly change wind generator's reactive power during dynamic simulation. Please help.

Just show the data of the studied generator (REGCA1, REECB1, REPCA1).

2024-07-12 08:59:54 -0500 commented question I want to suddenly change wind generator's reactive power during dynamic simulation. Please help.

Please show the data for the dynamic models (DYR records).

2024-07-12 07:22:53 -0500 edited answer How can I let PSSE find my user defined model in dyr?

The model must be read into PSSE in a .DYR file or a .DYA file so the program knows that the model exists.

The DYRE-record informs PSSE what kind of model it is (e.g. exciter) and how many ICON, CON, STATE and VAR the model is using.


Record for an exciter model:

BUSID 'USRMDL' ID 'model name' IC IT NI NC NS NV data list /

For example exciter model MYEXC using 6 CONs, 3 STATEs and 2 VARs at machine 1, bus 101:

101 'USRMDL' 1 'MYEXC' 4  0  0 6  3  2  data list /

Data list contains the values of the 6 CONs.

Whenever at least one instance of a user model is read into PSSE dynamic setup via a .DYR file another instances can be added through the GUI or with an API.

2024-07-12 07:11:35 -0500 commented answer How can I let PSSE find my user defined model in dyr?

Note that .DYR is a text file, not the GUI in PSSE.